What is a digital mailroom?

A digital mailroom is a modern alternative to traditional mailroom setups that require manual handling of business mail. It moves the process of mail management into a digital setting, making postal communications more flexible and accessible for your team. This is achieved by outsourcing your mailroom to someone like us who will receive and process mail on your behalf while you access items digitally through our platform.

How the digital mailroom service works

Digital mailrooms are made up of two key components - virtual addresses and online mail management software:

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Virtual digital mailroom address

This address is used as your mail delivery address so that when post is sent to your business, it will arrive at your digital mailroom location instead of your office or previous mailroom.

When you outsource your mailroom and move to a digital mailroom solution, you’ll need a new address for all of your postal deliveries. When you sign up, you’ll be allocated a unique virtual business address which you can use for this purpose and more. You then need to update your contact information with key suppliers, clients and contacts so that all mail is sent to your digital mailroom address instead of your previous mailroom location. You may also benefit from setting up a redirection service while you transition to your new digital mailroom to ensure all post intended for you reaches your new address.

Online Mail Management

Digital mailroom mail management

When post arrives at your digital mailroom address, you’ll be able to read, forward, distribute, organise and destroy mail items on a case-by-case basis through a mail management platform.

Using online mail management software, you’ll be able to control what happens to business post from wherever you are. This technology removes the need to manage your mail physically by giving you access to features such as letter scanning, mail forwarding, storage, shredding, recycling, organisation, sending letters online, integrations and more. You simply need to log into the platform and access your mail on a case-by-case basis. 

Ready to get started?

Automate your mailroom

Set up automatic workflow to instantly share mail items with team members across your organisation. When new mail is scanned, email and SMS notifications can be used to alert the relevant employees. They can then log in or access the mail item in your cloud storage before taking action. Workflows can be created for individuals, multiple employees and departments, reducing the time needed to communicate via mail.

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What are the benefits of a digital mailroom solution?

Digital mailrooms provide businesses with greater flexibility over the way they communicate with mail. This allows companies to save on costs, reallocate resources, and removes the need for an office presence. Some of the many benefits of digital mailrooms include:

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Reduce operational costs

Reduced costs to receiving, storing and distributing incoming and outgoing business mail.

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Supports remote working

More flexibility over where your workers are located, as you’ll no longer need a physical mailroom.

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Minimise stationery requirements

Remove the need to track, order and store stationery used for mail management.

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Environmental impact

Benefit from our recycling process to reduce the impact your business mail has on the environment.

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Improve communications

Improve how efficiently your team members can access, share and respond to any postal communications.

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Automated workflows

Save time by automating the way your workforce receives and accesses mail items.

Digital mailroom integrations

Connect your UK Postbox account with Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and Evernote to automatically store your mail in the cloud and share it across your organisation.

Ready to get started?

Digital mailroom workflow

When utilising a digital mailroom service, the below workflow is an example of how the process might look. We’re always open to discussing alternative workflows if your business has unique needs, just contact us to let us know about your requirements.

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1. Receive mail

Mail arrives at the virtual address associated with your digital mailroom. We'll assign a barcode and process it into our system.

2. Get notified

We’ll send you a notification letting you know mail has arrived. You can then log in to view these items and decide on what to do next.

3. Setup automations

If you’ve set up any automatic rules or integrated our platform with your cloud service such as Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, your mail will follow any of the rules you’ve set up, such as sending email or SMS notifications to team members.

4. Manage mail online

When you need to manage your mail, log into the platform and take the relevant action to you. Whether that’s asking us to open a letter and scan the pages for you to read online, or to repackage the item before sending it elsewhere, you decide on a case-by-case basis.

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5. Organise, destroy or recycle

When you’re finished with a mail item, use tagging and folders to organise your post or ask us to securely destroy or recycle it for you.

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6. Send letters

If you need to reply or send mail on behalf of your company, you can use our send letters online service to send post from wherever you are.

Digital mailrooms of all sizes

Whether you’re a small team with minimal mail requirements or a large corporation receiving and responding to thousands of mail items a month, our digital mailroom solution is flexible, easy to scale and accessible for all business types. Our mail plans range from a pay-as-you-go option where you only pay for mail you receive, to plans that allow for up to 5000 letter scans per month, larger are plans available on request.

Get your digital mailroom

Your mailroom, but in an app

Using our digital mailroom service, you’ll have access to our mail management app which equips you with everything you need to read and action your mail items on the move.

Learn more
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